Why Your Business Should Start Offering Yoga Classes to it's Employees

Here at Grow Mobile Yoga, we are trying to address problems that we see in the current “yoga world”, like accessibility. Some people may think that you need a certain space or certain supplies to practice yoga, but it’s in fact the exact opposite. You need neither of those. All you need is an open mind and a willing body. That is why we utilize employee, student and client wellness programs to make yoga as accessible as possible and bring it to YOU.  Our company is able to work with the area that you have which is why we offer desk yoga and even yoga at the conference table!

Some people may not think of work and yoga as going together, but there has actually been a lot of studies showing improvement in the work-space by the presence of yoga and wellness programs. An article by Gaia on the benefits of yoga wrote that the pressures of the work environment have cost businesses over $250 billion a year, due to employee “absentee-ism, reduced productivity, low morale, employee turnover, and accidents”. Not only should companies worry about their employees for persons’ sake, but it has also been proven that the work environment can negatively affect profit earned. Research published by Industrial Psychiatry indicates that the mindfulness and self-control aspects of yoga can help workers to regulate their emotions, which creates a cost-effective intervention that results in reduced employee aggression, interpersonal issues, and employee-absenteeism. If that doesn’t entice someone to bring yoga into the workplace, I don’t know what will.

You may think that implementing a yoga/wellness program into your workplace would be too difficult or take up too much time. Maybe you’re worried that your employees won’t participate. We have found that that is rarely the case. Our bodies aren’t physically meant to be sitting at a desk for 8+ hours a day. Taking breaks in the workday for yoga has proven to be one of the most physically helpful and cost effective ways for employees to relieve stress and become refreshed and focused.

More and more companies are beginning to implement a corporate wellness program into their workplace. Take successful companies like Forbes, Apple, HBO, Nike, and GM for example. It can be as structured as daily yoga session before a store opens, or even open yoga for employees during lunch breaks. There is no reason to not implement a yoga/wellness program into your company. It will promote wellness for your employees, as well as improve company relations and success.

Written by Ella Denman.
